Tuesday, September 20, 2011

WIPs and Finished Projects

I have quite a few knitting projects going on right now. Knitting is definitely a good de-stresser and something you can pick up and set down easily, unlike jewelry. So, here's what I've got going on right now.

Harry Potter Comfort Doll


It's finally complete!!!! And how awesome is it!?! It measures about a foot and a half tall. I basically just took the comfort doll pattern and multiplied everything by three. Such a good cuddle buddy!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Capelets

I absolutely LOVE capelets!!! They're so adorable and fashionable. I'm coming up with a pattern for one I'd like to eventually knit, but, we'll see if I ever finish it haha. I started it last March! With the cooler weather we've been having it's the perfect time of the year for one. I'd love a nice oatmeal colored one with some long brown leather gloves *sigh*

My birthday is Wednesday if anyone wants to buy me one of these *wink**wink*.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cute Animal Monday: Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Hopefully, my blogs will soon be regular postings again! Life is starting to calm down. FINALLY!!! So, here's your Cute Animal Monday post!

This is Susie Q participating in her new favorite hobby. Playing hockey with her food bowl in the kitchen. Good thing we decided against getting the wood floors in the kitchen! haha

Thanks for sticking with me even though I've been negligent lately :). Work is slowly starting to calm back down!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cute Animal Monday

I lovvvvve the Simon's Cat cartoons. Most of them remind me of Sheba. And, soon after watching this cartoon...

This happened...


Oh Sheba.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Autumn

Sorry I've been MIA again. My job that pays the bills has me working MAJOR overtime. We're talking about 70 and 80 hour weeks. *sigh* Oh well, life will be back to normal soon, I hope. However, this is my favorite time of year and I made this treasury a while back (when I still had a life) and I still wanted to share it with you all :). I miss my craft and blog world so much! I hope I'll be back soon!!! Enjoy the treasury!

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