Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Project: Project Accessory - Week 1


Challenge for the Show Contestants:

Go through 2 storage units in 15 minutes and grab materials to make a necklace, belt and designer's choice accessory to dress up the average American t-shirt and jeans.

The Show Winner:

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Challenge for Me:

Go to a second hand store and spend $20 on materials in 45 minutes to create a necklace, belt and accessory of choice by Wednesday, November 2, 2011. 

The Result:

I went to our local Goodwill to make my purchases. It actually only ended up being around $16. Here's what I got.


**1 Purple Velvet Dress**
**2 Leopard Print Dresses**
**1 Piece of Basket Art**
**1 Knick Knack w/ Wooden Beads**
**4 Napking Rings**

Now, I really only ended up using the velvet dress, one of the leopard print dresses and the knick knack with the beads. I had been hoping to find more knick knack type things to tear apart and use, but, for some reason, our Goodwill didn't really have anything like that. I started thinking I probably should've gone to the Habitat for Humanity store, but, I was pressed for time, so this is what I came up with.

Here's the resulting outfit:


Thank you to the amazing Miss Kelly for modeling for me at Knitting Club tonight :).

I thought it was going to a little too "matchy-matchy", but, after she had everything on I thought it looked quite cute. 





Accessory of Choice:


I may have cheated a bit with the rhinestone, but, I couldn't help myself.

So far I'm loving this show. And Nina is my favorite right now. I feel like she and I have the same type of taste. Of course, it's still early in the show, so we haven't really seen everyone yet. 

Here's the preview for tomorrow's episode:

Shoesssss...Now, I'm scared. The only shoe experience I've ever had was a DIY FAIL! I tried glueing some rhinestones and zipper flowers to some flip flops, but, I used a hot glue gun, soooo...major fail. I have a whole weekend so we'll see what happens. I'll post the challenge for myself on Friday. 

And if any of my friends want to join, please let me know!

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