Monday, December 5, 2011

Cute Animal Monday

So, I'm now obsessed with the Cat vs. Human blog/comics. I don't know if you guys have seen them or not, but, her blog can be found here:

She's very good at capturing how life with cats are and the hilarity of it all. This is one of my favorites right now:

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This is pretty typical Arthur behavior. When Jon's not around, I'm his favorite. But, when Jon is around, he wants nothing to do with me. When I was in Charleston this past time I bought him a cat perch for the window he loves to look out. 


If I was in the room, or looking at him, he would NOT get on the perch. He would go to the other window, or crouch beside the perch. BUT, if I was in the kitchen cooking with my back turned to him, or, in another room, he would lay on it. If I looked at him, he would get up again. Turd Nugget haha.

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