Saturday, October 22, 2011

Current Projects

Just thought I'd share some of what I'm working on. I've been pretty busy lately, so, not MUCH time for crafts. I still have to finish the boa yarn scarf. I did finish the yarn over scarf and put the fringe on it :). My grandma called dibs for it, so, she has it right now. And she ain't givin' it up!

I decided, I needed to learn how to knit in the round. So, I got a pair of size 8 circular needles, cast on 152 stitches...I think...I honestly can't remember. I had to start over a few times to get it right ha. And I'm working in a 4x4 rib. The colors I'm using, just happened to land near each other in my yarn stash, but, I liked it and it's for me so, that's all that matters :). 


Personally, I like the color combo and it's started getting cold here already, so, I hope to finish soon. My least favorite part is weaving in the ends...*sigh*.

And the other project is, of course, a new Harry Potter doll!!! This one isn't going to be as big as the first one, but, he's still going to be pretty big. 


Look for him to be in the shop soon!

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