Remember when Jon and I went to Magnolia Plantation back in June?
Well, last weekend we went back. This time with our friends Brandon and Mary-Jane (and this time to the Swamp Garden). Here's some pictures from the day.
I don't know if you guys remember Sylvester or not, he's the cat Jon and I found while we were waiting on the tour of the mansion. He greeted us at the ticket booth this time :). For some reason, no matter where I go, the cats find me... They know I'm a crazy cat lady... *sigh*
The critters that greet you before you walk through the gate. So cute.
The wood pecker that picked, probably the smallest piece of wood in the swamp.
My artsy fartsy cardinal picture.
For some reason, I can't remember what type of bird this is... Anyone able to help?
Same story for this guy...
Tehe... He's eating the sign. See the eye and the mouth? OM NOM NOM!!!
First gator!!!! Mary-Jane was not a fan of the gators haha. Especially since the paths we were on didn't have fences for the most part.
We were amazed of the strength of those nests! They're some pretty big birds and they were pretty high up in the tree.
The Ibis were doing their mating dances!
Ducks on a log. I actually had to go through a lot to get this picture. My camera kept wanting to focus on trees and whatnot instead of the duckies. So I squeezed myself up against a tree and finally got it.
This guy was being creepy, slowly walking across the swamp. We tried to call him to us, but, apparently gators don't respond to kiss noises and "Here pretty pretty!". Oh well.
We didn't get to stay long because a big storm was brewing overhead and it started raining on us, but, we got to shopping instead. I found one of the bead stores! Apparently it was in the mall this whole time and I had no idea I was so close to it. But, I know now!
I will actually be home for the next 3 weeks and I'm not sure what to do with all that free time. And the year is winding down here at VMI. I will have much more time for crafting. I'm hoping to try a craft this weekend and I'll put up a tutorial if it works out well! I'll be working in the garden too. It's supposed to be 70s and 80s for all of this week and most of next. I don't mind losing the extra hour of sleep. BRING ON THE SUNSHINE!!! I can't wait for it to not get dark until about 9ish. That's my favorite time of year.
I also got 2 new sewing books that I'm pretty excited about. One of them is 101 Things to do With 1 Yard of Fabric. I'm hoping this will teach me how to sew... Finally.
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