Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The story of the MIA Blogger: Part 8 Charleston, SC

Visiting the Boyfriend
The Final Chapter of the MIA Blogger

This past weekend, I packed up my new car and made the 450+ mile drive to Charleston to see the boyfriend. It was such a nice visit. Just me and the boy. It was like a little mini vacation. And it was over all too soon. We tried out some restaurants, all of which were awesome. Pretty much everything we ate was homemade. Even the bread for my french toast from Bear-E-Patch. I love it in Charleston. Even if they can't drive. Seriously, they were going 80 in a 55 mph zone and then when you'd get the 70 mph zone no one would go the speed limit. Made absolutely no sense to me. We went to Magnolia Plantation (which is swampy)and we went to downtown Charleston and got to visit the open air market that's packed full of vendors. And a lot of people who hand weave baskets. I bought some of the flowers :). I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of downtown (maybe next time) but I got lots of pictures of Magnolia Plantation. Enjoy!

The peacock was pretty much the first thing we saw when we got there. And boy are they loud!

Some of the handwoven baskets I was talking about.


Swamp with the Magnolia tree.

One of the gators that lives in the swamp. This one was just a baby.

The peacock with his feathers out, trying to impress the female. She wouldn't have anything to with him haha. It was pretty funny. He didn't give up though!

albino peackcock
The albino peacock. The boyfriend saw him with his feathers out. I couldn't see it because I'm blind as a bat anyways and I had my contacts in. He had to point out pretty much every single animal to me.

This is the cat the boyfriend and I found. We started petting him and then he started following us around. We later found out he sticks around because the old women in the gift shop started feeding him and he never left. They named him Sylvester.

I started taking a picture of the bird without even realizing the turtle was hanging out with him.


The boyfriend and I attempting to take a picture with the timer on the camera. As you can see, the strap made it in the picture as well.

jon's pic
One of the many pretty flowers. The boyfriend took this one.

Will someone please tell me if this is a gecko or a lizard? I honestly don't know.

And how about this guy?

More swamp!

For some reason, this one's my favorite<3 swamp5
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd more swamp! P.S. those are statues and not actual birds.

And I really like this gazebo because it looks like lace. Apparently this is where they have a lot of the weddings.

Okay, I think that may be enough pictures! I definitely did not want to leave Charleston and my boyfriend to come home to Virginia and work...Major dislike. Oh well. I'll be going back at the end of July! I think, for the most part, my blog life is officially caught up with my real life!!! Except for the next blog which is about my sewing machine that I finally got yesterday!!!! YAY!!!!!!!


  1. I love the sounds of peacocks, reminds me of Kevin from the movie Up!

  2. I KNEW there was a reason I couldn't help but laugh every time I heard them! haha I felt like I had heard that sound before...


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