Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Around the Interwebs: Front Yard Overhaul

So, the warm weather the other day got me super antsy about getting our front yard looking good. I've kind of let it go to the wayside... At one time I had it looking cute, now, this is what it looks like.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Cute Animal Monday: Back on Track

So, Guys and Dolls is officially over and it's now time to get back on track with life! And the blog of course :). So, here's your cute animal fix for your Monday blues! And, with Spring just around the corner, I'll be doing a blog post about projects I'll be doing for the front yard and our front porch. Lots of spray painting, cleaning and flowers to plant!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Cute Animal Monday

Hey Guys. I know, I know, MIA again. I apologize. I had personal things going on and I just didn't feel like doing any blog posts. So, to make up for it, here's TWO Cute Animals for Cute Animal Monday!

See you guys tomorrow for a blog post on Valentine's Day baking :).
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