Friday, October 28, 2011

Project: Project Accessory

I don't know how many of you know it yet, but, there is a new show that's a spin off of Project Runway called Project Accessory. So far, I LOVE IT!

And I've seen where people in the crafting blog world have had a "Project: Project Runway". Well, I've decided to do a "Project: Project Accessory"

Week 1's challenge for the contestants:

Go through 2 storage units in 15 minutes and grab materials to make a necklace, belt and designer's choice accessory to dress up the average American t-shirt and jeans.

Week 1's Challenge for me:

Go to a second hand store and spend $20 on materials in 45 minutes to create a necklace, belt and accessory of choice by Wednesday, November 2, 2011. 

Seeing as how I'm working 10 hour days at work right now, this may be a little ambitious, but, I'll let you know how I've done come Wednesday :). 

If anyone would like to join in this challenge please let me know by leaving a comment, e-mailing me at or by contacting me on facebook :).

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Black Cats

Another Halloween Treasury!!!! In honor of Halloween and Arthur, this one is dedicated to black kitty cats! My favorite!!! My first cat that I ever had was a black cat and he was the very best cat ever. Poor thing even let me put Mr. Potato Head glasses on him all the time. We had him for 12 years and I still miss him every day.


How precious is Arthur?

This is freaking awesome!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Current Projects

Just thought I'd share some of what I'm working on. I've been pretty busy lately, so, not MUCH time for crafts. I still have to finish the boa yarn scarf. I did finish the yarn over scarf and put the fringe on it :). My grandma called dibs for it, so, she has it right now. And she ain't givin' it up!

I decided, I needed to learn how to knit in the round. So, I got a pair of size 8 circular needles, cast on 152 stitches...I think...I honestly can't remember. I had to start over a few times to get it right ha. And I'm working in a 4x4 rib. The colors I'm using, just happened to land near each other in my yarn stash, but, I liked it and it's for me so, that's all that matters :). 


Personally, I like the color combo and it's started getting cold here already, so, I hope to finish soon. My least favorite part is weaving in the ends...*sigh*.

And the other project is, of course, a new Harry Potter doll!!! This one isn't going to be as big as the first one, but, he's still going to be pretty big. 


Look for him to be in the shop soon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Witch's Brew

Today's Halloween Treasury has a witch theme to it. I've noticed a lot of my favorite Halloween movies (mostly the kids ones) are witchy :). So, I decided to make today's theme: Witch's Brew!

I never get tired of Etsy and the amazing talents of the people on it!

And here's a clip from one of my favorite movies to watch around this time of year...

Hocus Pocus!!!!!

It's hard to believe this came out so long ago! I don't want to do the math. Then I'll feel really, really old :(.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cute Animal Monday

I love this dog!!!! I wish I could train Susie to do this kind of stuff haha. She's intelligent and learns quickly, I just don't know how :).

I remember I used to want a jack russel terrier because of Eddie on Frasier. Then I found out how mean they can be if you don't give them enough attention. And at the time we didn't have enough time. They're soooo cute though! I lover terriers<3.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Halloween

This is my favorite holiday. We're the family on the block who goes all out decorating for Halloween, and kind of skimps on the Christmas decorations...if we do anything more than a wreath...

Anyways, with that being said, I'll be doing Halloween themed Treasuries until the end of the month :). This one's the spooky/cute, but, dark Treasury.

It's also time for Halloween movies!!!!! YAY!!!! 

And it's time for another Paranormal Activity movie! My mom promised me she'd watch the second with me tonight. I love them, but, I cannot watch them by myself! haha

(Do not watch this if you don't like scary things)

I don't know what it is about being scared by a movie, but, I love it and hate it all at the same time. I can't wait!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cute Animal Monday: Arthur

Hello Blog World. Meet Arthur, Jon's new little black kitten. 


Jon's only had him for a couple months, but, he's already spoiled completely rotten. He also likes to be Jon's alarm clock...even on the days where Jon doesn't have to wake up early.


He's a little skittish when you first meet him, but, he eventually warms up to you. Then he follows you around every step you make and wants to cuddle on your lap 24/7. But, he's kind of hard to get a good picture of. Especially when he's hyper and wanting to play!

And I just wanted to throw in this picture of Bubby. I think he looks super cute in it :).


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Random Thursdays: Buefort the Owl

This is Al the Owl. 


He's the first knitting project I ever completed. I finished him last year during Christmas break at about 5 in the morning. (Which is why I love Christmas Break. All nighters with no repercussions.)

I've been wanting to make another owl, so I started on this guy:


He turned out a wee bit odd ballish haha so I've decided he is going to be Buefort, Al's backwoods Virginia cousin! He's in for a visit while looking for a new home :). Will it be yours? He's plush, cuddly and fun!


He's made from 5 different yarns to make him quilted and colorful.


Even his butt!!!!

His Etsy listing can be found here:

Enjoy! And have a Happy Friday tomorrow everyone!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Decorating and Scrabble Tile Tutorial

Hello all! I went to Charleston again the weekend after my birthday and this time, I got to decorate Jon's apartment!!! No more all beige and white! Of course, I couldn't spend too much money and you're never really SUPPOSED to do all the decorating all at once. At least, I don't think you are. It's something that's supposed to grow with you overtime. But, I did as much as I could. 


Cute Animal Monday

Simple and to the point haha. Enjoy!!!

Scrabble Tile tutorial coming up next!

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