Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Southern Charm

I'm heading back to Charleston this weekend. I'm pretty excited. I love Charleston, so much Southern Charm. Of course, it helps that I get to see my boyfriend while I'm there, as well. Since I am headed back to southern town that I do love oh so much I decided to make this Tuesday's treasury all about Southern Charm. I truly believe in the saying, "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God."

And I'll leave you with a song that I have stuck in my head here lately. Since we're on the topic of Southern Pride, this is VMI's all male a capella group singing "Shenandoah". BEAUTIFUL. My boyfriend was in this group while he was in school. I loved going to their concerts :).

My boyfriend and I were both in theatre here at VMI and participated in the "Civil War Melodrama" Shenandoah! haha. It was great. We got to play a couple. He was Captain Hart and I was the general's daughter Jenny. I thought it was nice because we met thanks to VMI theatre :). And, in our last play together, we got to play a couple. Even if the lines were really, really, really cheesy.


The boyfriend and I as Capt. Hart and Jenny. Hooray for big ol' hoop skirts!!!


Awwwww, I miss VMI Theatre. I wish I still had time for it!

Cute Animal Monday: Oh Susie Q

Oh Susie Q. Oh Susie Q. Oh Susie Q, how I love you. Susie Q.


Miss Susie Q is the latest addition to our family. We've now had her for about a year. When we first got her, she was only about 20 pounds. Now, she's pretty much a horse at 100 pounds. When she stands up on her hind legs she's taller than me. When you pet her, it's like petting a horse. But, there's never a dull moment when she's around.


She is quite literally one of the most beautiful German Shepards I have ever seen. Of course, my opinion may be a little biased.





If you haven't been able to tell yet, we train all of our animals to be Cowboys fans. Bubby even has a jersey. Of course, as chubby as he is now, I don't think he can fit in it haha.

Have a great day folks! And I'll hopefully get my Treasury up tonight! Time to get back in the groove!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Adventures In Spray Paint: Cedar Chest

Okay, I have been wanting a wooden chest for a very, very, very long time. But, I could never find one that I liked or it was too expensive. Well, a couple weeks ago, my mom and I were taking Bubby for a walk and we happened across some neighbors who were setting up for a yard sale for the next morning. And, low and behold, there's a wooden, cedar lined chest!!! I was super excited. And they were just wanting to get rid of the junk in their garage so they gave it to me for a whopping $35!!!!! Talk about an awesome yard sale find! Anyways, this is the shape it was in when we first bought it.


I'm not sure if that's the original design, or, if someone was trying to be creative when they painted it, or what, but, it just was not for me. But, it had good bones.


To fix this, we went to our trusty Wal-Mart and grabbed more spray paint. I got Rustoleum this time in just a shade darker than my headboard. And this is how it looks now!



I'm pretty pleased with my yard sale re-do find. It now houses all of my shoes. I've never had a place for them all before, until now. But, I feel like it's still missing something... Like, it needs some kind of design on the front, or the top...What do you guys think? I'm not much of an artist when it comes to paint or drawing, so it would have to be some sort of stencil...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Adventures In Spray Paint: Headboard

I love spray paint. You can take anything and give it a whole new life and decorative purpose with just a little bit of spray paint (or a lot, sometimes). I used to keep my bedroom kind of muted and keep it as neutral, but, just slightly girly, as much as possible. Well, since I'm getting my craft room, I'll be getting a lot of furniture out of my bedroom. For the first time in my life, my bedroom will be JUST a bedroom. Not a bedroom/office/living room/craft room. So, I've decided to completely redo it and make it 100% girly. Light pinks, blues, greens and flowers EVERYWHERE. I'm pretty excited about it and I'll keep you guys up to date with the step-by-step process. Same with the craft room!

With that being said, we started our first steps to re-doing my room. First, I got a new comforter. We usually go with the bed-in-a-bags from Wal-Mart. This one is a Better Homes and Gardens and I LOVE it. It's so bright and cheery and girly.


Now, my headboard was black, so we decided, the black headboard just wouldn't look right with such a bright comforter. And, I didn't want white and I didn't want to get a new headboard SO, Idecided, we should paint it a pale green color.

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We decided to go with Krylon's Ivy Leaf Green. They had a pretty light blue color as well, but, I was just drawn to the green. I think it's because green is one of my favorite colors.

We setup the saw horses and some plastic and got straight to work the very next day. But, not before Sheba made the saw horses and plastic her new fort for a little bit.

"No Goggies Allowed"


My headboard before.


It had gotten in kind of rough shape, because we had had it outside for awhile. There was a time where I had my bed pushed up against the wall in my room with tons of pillows so it would be more like a "sofa".


In Process.


And Voila!!!!


See how good it looks with the new comforter! I'm pretty happy with my decision :). And once we paint the walls a darker color (I know, darker sounds scary and opposite of girly but, it will work), it will look even better.

Now that I've finished up with the headboard, I'm thinking it's best to leave the other pictures for another day. No one wants super long blog posts! So, until tomorrow, enjoy!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

America's Birthday and My Mom's Birthday

I was going to put this post and the spray paint post all together, but, decided against it. I thought it would be too much in one. I just wanted to share some pictures from the 4th of July and my mom's birthday party. It's not too exciting of pictures. We didn't stay for the fireworks at VMI and I started enjoying my white russians before I could take any more pictures of the party, but, I figured you guys might enjoy them just the same.


    This is Moody Hall at VMI with it's VMI flags flying.


Bubby enjoying his 4th :)



Maury Brooke Hall (New Science Building) and a Lexington City fire truck.


And this is my NAVY CAT!!!!! Isn't he cute!?! I got him from the build a bear knock off vendor at the 4th of July stuff :D. He's pretty much awesome in his NAVY whites :)

I only have a couple pictures from the party and let me explain our "patio". We had a car port in our yard from where we had had our two dogs Shilo and Milo who were strictly outside dogs. We had it over their kennel so that they could stay cool in the summer and keep the snow off of them in the winter. Anyways, they passed away a few years ago and we were trying to figure out what to do with the car port, so, we decided to make it a patio area. We just recently had the cement poured in it and it's actually a very pretty place now. And it definitely keeps us cool in the summer. We keep the grill out there and we now have a fire pt as well. And using the car pit was a whole lot cheaper than any other way of building a deck and having and/or not having a roof over top. With the roof, we can even still have our cookouts if it rains! Now, I'm ranting, on with the pictures!




As always, Sheba's in the middle of everything


One of our tiki torches. Haha, I just thought it was cool :P.


Another one of Sheba.

That's it for now. Hopefully, I'll get the spray paint adventures up tomorrow!!!

Treasury Tuesday: Wedding Weekend!!!!

It's a wedding weekend for this blogger :). I am going to be a bridesmaid!!! In honor of it being wedding weekend, I decided my Etsy Treasury was going to be a "White Wedding" theme. I love looking at wedding things. They're always just so pretty and feminine. The lace, the flowers, the rhinestones and all those pretty dresses.

I'm pretty sure my favorite piece is that white gold falling flower necklace. I'm really, really wanting it!

And yes, I was humming Billy Idol's White Wedding the whole time I was putting this together.

Anyways, that's all for this blogger for now. Stay tuned for a post about my mom's 50th birthday party, a couple pics from the 4th of July at VMI and our adventures with spray paint :).

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cute Animal Monday: Hello Bubby

I've put up pictures of Bubby before, but, never really described him. Here's another picture, for your viewing pleasure (try not to go into cuteness overload).


Bubby is a 6 year old black pomeranian. He's pretty popular in our town. People see my mom, they don't ask her how I'm doing, they ask how Bubby's doing. He's pretty much everyone's favorite dog (when he's not barking his head off). He's super tiny. Maybe a tad bit overweight haha. But, when we first brought him home, at 7 weeks, he could fit in the palm of your hand. Here's a picture of him when he was a baby.


I almost miss him being that small haha. Anyways, he's super spoiled. He's already small to begin with, which makes you want to love him, but he also was born with a bad leg. The vet thinks it was broken when he was coming out of the womb and no one could tell (since they couldn't walk) and it healed wrong. There is no fixing it unless we want to spend thousands upon thousands in surgery and even then it's not guaranteed. But, he's pretty well taken care of. He has a stroller so he can go on long walks, but, without walking too far. He gets worn out pretty quick. And, as you've seen in a previous post, he has a car seat so he can look out the window when we take him places. He's also very spoiled, because I'm an only child AND an only grandchild. My Nana (grandma) lives with us, so, they both spoil him pretty bad, since they don't have any other kids to baby haha.

bubby4-2 bubby3-2

I love this little pooch. He's so full of personality. Just his facial expressions alone say so much. And he's good at giving the stink eye! But, he loves us all. It breaks his heart if we even think of leaving the house without him haha.


Anyways, this last picture is kind of random, but, I had no where else to put it haha. It's a squirrel in our yard and he stole one of Bubby's biscuits.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Now I'm just the lazy blogger

Hey guys. Sorry I've been MIA...again...This time I wasn't very busy. Mostly just lazy haha. Plus, I do most of my blogging during my lunch break and I actually WAS busy at work. To the point where, I really didn't get many lunch breaks. Anyways, This post is going to be everything Harry Potter :). I absolutely love Harry Potter. It is literally one of my most favorite things on this planet! And the last movie comes out this weekend. I can't believe it. I have nothing else to look forward to...except going to Harry Potter World. It opened about 2 years after my friends and I went to Universal Studios :P.

With that being said here's my Harry Potter Etsy Treasury :)

If there's anything I like more than Harry Potter, it's people who make things ABOUT Harry Potter.

I'm also going to throw in my Cute Animal Monday (although, he's kind of a "so ugly, he's cute".


I love this story. I think it's precious haha. And I love that he was adopted BECAUSE he looked like Voldemort :P.

I also have a peek at an upcoming knitting project :):


And last, but not least, the trailer for the last movie.

Awwww, I remember when I finished the last book. I was sitting in the Park Office. I had already finished working for that day, but, I was in a good part of the book and didn't want to stop to drive home. I was sitting in the dark and the security guard (thinking no one was there) walked in to see me literally bawling crying and he freaked out because he had no idea what was wrong with me hahaha. Oh, I miss the Park Office :). Well, that's all for this blogger. Hope everyone enjoyed! And I hope everyone enjoys the movie!!!!

I'll actually end you with this:

I lovvvvve this<3 haha.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

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