Thursday, March 26, 2015

Life, or something like it.

So, I know there have been several times where I say, "oh hey, I'm back!" and then I'm never actually back. I'm not going to make that promise again. But, I would LOVE to get back into my blog. I miss it. I find myself thinking EVERYDAY of my blog. So many things have happened since I last blogged. 

1. I was working as Help Desk Supervisor at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, FL. 

2. We had our wedding! Finally! And it was everything that I dreamed and more! I plan on doing posts about all the details, because, I would love to share them!

3. A week after Jon left for deployment we found out we were expecting our first child! I sent him the picture of the pregnancy tests and he received them while he was in Spain. Oh military life!

4. I had to go through the first 7 months of pregnancy alone, in Florida while living on the 3rd floor with no stairs. It was MISERABLE! Please let me know your experiences with morning sickness! My sickness was all day sickness and EVERYTHING triggered it. Especially my favorite foods. At one point I had the stomach flu ON TOP of the morning sickness. I didn't eat anything for 2 days and on the 3rd and 4th days, I could only eat saltine crackers, apple slices and drink Gatorade. But, I got to binge watch Buffy, so there was that. Once Amelia was born, I immediately saw WHY I had morning sickness the entire time. She kicks CONSTANTLY.
A photo posted by Ashley Hamilton (@ashleydsworld) on

5. We decided I would become a Stay At Home Mom so I begrudgingly left my job at UNF (which I loved and I loved the people I worked with. They were amazing and I miss them everyday.)

6. Amelia was born!!! And her birth was...shew. I'll get into that later.

7. We bought a house and moved to Virginia Beach!

Like I said, I'm hoping to start updating on a regular basis. I've been knitting more and learning how to cook, knit, to mom and more about photography! I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to actually "teach" anyone anything. I just enjoy the ability to document my life and share it with others :). And I hope you'll enjoy it!

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