Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Adventures In Spray Paint: Headboard

I love spray paint. You can take anything and give it a whole new life and decorative purpose with just a little bit of spray paint (or a lot, sometimes). I used to keep my bedroom kind of muted and keep it as neutral, but, just slightly girly, as much as possible. Well, since I'm getting my craft room, I'll be getting a lot of furniture out of my bedroom. For the first time in my life, my bedroom will be JUST a bedroom. Not a bedroom/office/living room/craft room. So, I've decided to completely redo it and make it 100% girly. Light pinks, blues, greens and flowers EVERYWHERE. I'm pretty excited about it and I'll keep you guys up to date with the step-by-step process. Same with the craft room!

With that being said, we started our first steps to re-doing my room. First, I got a new comforter. We usually go with the bed-in-a-bags from Wal-Mart. This one is a Better Homes and Gardens and I LOVE it. It's so bright and cheery and girly.


Now, my headboard was black, so we decided, the black headboard just wouldn't look right with such a bright comforter. And, I didn't want white and I didn't want to get a new headboard SO, Idecided, we should paint it a pale green color.

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We decided to go with Krylon's Ivy Leaf Green. They had a pretty light blue color as well, but, I was just drawn to the green. I think it's because green is one of my favorite colors.

We setup the saw horses and some plastic and got straight to work the very next day. But, not before Sheba made the saw horses and plastic her new fort for a little bit.

"No Goggies Allowed"


My headboard before.


It had gotten in kind of rough shape, because we had had it outside for awhile. There was a time where I had my bed pushed up against the wall in my room with tons of pillows so it would be more like a "sofa".


In Process.


And Voila!!!!


See how good it looks with the new comforter! I'm pretty happy with my decision :). And once we paint the walls a darker color (I know, darker sounds scary and opposite of girly but, it will work), it will look even better.

Now that I've finished up with the headboard, I'm thinking it's best to leave the other pictures for another day. No one wants super long blog posts! So, until tomorrow, enjoy!

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