Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cute Animal Monday: Oh Susie Q

Oh Susie Q. Oh Susie Q. Oh Susie Q, how I love you. Susie Q.


Miss Susie Q is the latest addition to our family. We've now had her for about a year. When we first got her, she was only about 20 pounds. Now, she's pretty much a horse at 100 pounds. When she stands up on her hind legs she's taller than me. When you pet her, it's like petting a horse. But, there's never a dull moment when she's around.


She is quite literally one of the most beautiful German Shepards I have ever seen. Of course, my opinion may be a little biased.





If you haven't been able to tell yet, we train all of our animals to be Cowboys fans. Bubby even has a jersey. Of course, as chubby as he is now, I don't think he can fit in it haha.

Have a great day folks! And I'll hopefully get my Treasury up tonight! Time to get back in the groove!

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