Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Wedding Weekend!!!!

It's a wedding weekend for this blogger :). I am going to be a bridesmaid!!! In honor of it being wedding weekend, I decided my Etsy Treasury was going to be a "White Wedding" theme. I love looking at wedding things. They're always just so pretty and feminine. The lace, the flowers, the rhinestones and all those pretty dresses.

I'm pretty sure my favorite piece is that white gold falling flower necklace. I'm really, really wanting it!

And yes, I was humming Billy Idol's White Wedding the whole time I was putting this together.

Anyways, that's all for this blogger for now. Stay tuned for a post about my mom's 50th birthday party, a couple pics from the 4th of July at VMI and our adventures with spray paint :).

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