Tuesday, July 19, 2011

America's Birthday and My Mom's Birthday

I was going to put this post and the spray paint post all together, but, decided against it. I thought it would be too much in one. I just wanted to share some pictures from the 4th of July and my mom's birthday party. It's not too exciting of pictures. We didn't stay for the fireworks at VMI and I started enjoying my white russians before I could take any more pictures of the party, but, I figured you guys might enjoy them just the same.


    This is Moody Hall at VMI with it's VMI flags flying.


Bubby enjoying his 4th :)



Maury Brooke Hall (New Science Building) and a Lexington City fire truck.


And this is my NAVY CAT!!!!! Isn't he cute!?! I got him from the build a bear knock off vendor at the 4th of July stuff :D. He's pretty much awesome in his NAVY whites :)

I only have a couple pictures from the party and let me explain our "patio". We had a car port in our yard from where we had had our two dogs Shilo and Milo who were strictly outside dogs. We had it over their kennel so that they could stay cool in the summer and keep the snow off of them in the winter. Anyways, they passed away a few years ago and we were trying to figure out what to do with the car port, so, we decided to make it a patio area. We just recently had the cement poured in it and it's actually a very pretty place now. And it definitely keeps us cool in the summer. We keep the grill out there and we now have a fire pt as well. And using the car pit was a whole lot cheaper than any other way of building a deck and having and/or not having a roof over top. With the roof, we can even still have our cookouts if it rains! Now, I'm ranting, on with the pictures!




As always, Sheba's in the middle of everything


One of our tiki torches. Haha, I just thought it was cool :P.


Another one of Sheba.

That's it for now. Hopefully, I'll get the spray paint adventures up tomorrow!!!

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