Monday, August 8, 2011

Redneck Wine Glass

And I present to you...



I don't know if I'm just easily amused, or what, but, I think it's pretty much one of the best things EVER!

This is all you need to make them.


*A Mason Jar*
*A Candle Stick (I bought mine from the Dollar Tree)*
*E-6000 glue (or an equivalent type of glue)*
*And a pair of plastic gloves.*

All you do is glue the candle stick to the bottom of the jar and TA DA!!!  You have a "Redneck Wine Glass". 


And, if you don't have the time or don't want to make them, I will be selling them in my shop when it opens :).

Also, once my blog reaches 1,000 views, I'll be doing a giveaway for 2 of them!!!

And here's your cute animal for this Monday (I'll get back to the pets next week!) I think this is funny because it's TOTALLY something Susie would do haha.

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