Thursday, August 18, 2011

Random Pictures Thursday: Forks, Washington

Soooo....I like Twilight. Allow me to explain myself, I like the Twilight BOOKS (with the exception of Breaking Dawn). I also enjoyed the first movie. I haven't seen any of the rest of them since the second movie. It was so bad I couldn't stand it. Anyways, my friends and I (after I begged them to read the books) decided to go to Forks, Washington. We went before the first movie came out and let me tell you, it was the BEST vacation I have EVER been on. We went for 3 days but we took in as much as we could! Which was pretty easy when the sun came up and like 6AM and didn't go back down until 10:00PM. It was soooo beautiful. We went for the nature not for the vampires. That's not to say we didn't have our vampire fun while we were there :P. And for the record, there is a house at First Beach that has a wheel chair ramp and a sign that says "Black" over the garage. We visited Forks High School, the Forks visitor center (we even had our picture on the Forks website for awhile) and a hunting, outdoorsy whatever you call it store (like what we imagined Bella worked at) and had a nice conversation with a couple older gentleman for about an hour haha. We also got on a webcam that my dad saw us on while we were there. BUT, we also took in Rialto Beach, Cape Flattery (the most northwestern corner of the continental U.S.), the Macaw Tribe Museum, the Hoh Rain Forest, Port Angeles (where we got to eat at Bella Italia!!!!) and I think that may be it. I know I'm missing something, but, it was awesome. I want to go back so, so, so very badly. Oh! And the entire time we were there it was 60 degrees and sunny. It didn't rain until the last day. Of course, this is when we were trying to get to Cape Flattery, which actually has a pretty difficult trail to it. Oh! I almost forgot!!!! On our way back from Cape Flattery, we also realized that it was low tide so we got to check out the tide pools! Which were awesome!!! I got to see live star fish :). Yeah, it was amazing. Thank you Twilight and Jordan and Kelly of course<3. Anyways, here's some of the pictures from the trip!


Even pigeons are prettier in Washington!


Glacier Lake


Hoh Rainforest


A Black Tail baby deer in the Hoh Rainforest. Here in the East, we have white tail deer so we thought it might be a baby elk. We were wrong haha, so now we call them Elk-Deer.


One of the many crows in the Hoh Rainforest that kept creeping on us while we were trying to eat our peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Seriously, they had us super creeped out! Two seconds after we left the table, they swarmed!


A sea gull at First Beach. This was also my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean.


Rialto Beach. I love driftwood.


The roots of a driftwood tree white washed from the ocean<3.



Cape Flattery. Literally one of my most favorite places on Earth.


I got brave and went to the very edge of the cliff, past the barrier :).


Jordan and I at one of the edges of the trail.


Kelly, Jordan and I at Cape Flattery.

*Sigh* I sooooo want to go back. Who wants to go with?

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