Friday, August 5, 2011

Wonderful Wedding Weekend

Remember how I told you guys I was going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding? If you do, or you don't, please enjoy the following pictures from said wedding :). (Also, I'm trying to get away from emoticons, but it's so hard. It's a very bad habit I need to break if I'm going to keep blogging.)

Vinnie and Jocelyn Do. I remember when Vinnie first started talking to me on facebook about Jocelyn. I thought he was insane for falling so in love with a girl so fast and, honestly, I tried to make him "slow his role". I guess it's a good thing he didn't listen to me! haha I have never met a couple more perfect for each other. They may butt heads every once in a while. But, what good couple doesn't? I think it'd be quite boring if you got along all the time. I know my boyfriend and I don't see eye to eye with everything and we're not afraid to argue about it. I remember there was a line in The Notebook that I didn't understand when I first saw the movie, "I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings." When I first heard that I thought, well that sounds cruel, who wants a boyfriend who's going to hurt your feelings. But, after being in a relationship for almost 3 and a half years, I now know what that means. You're so comfortable with each other and trust each other so much you truly are not afraid of hurting each other's feelings. I'm not saying you pick on each other and bring each other down, I mean, you're not afraid to tell each other when they're being an "arrogant son of a bitch" or a "pain in the ass" haha. This explanation sounded better in my head than it does now. And, I'm not saying Vinnie and Jocelyn are constantly fighting. I'm just saying they're truly a real couple. Not a couple putting on a show or putting on appearances and that's what I love about them :).

Anyways, with all that being said, here's some pictures from the beautiful weekend, unfortunately they were all with my cell phone, but, I think they're pretty good nonetheless. Enjoy!


The Church where the ceremony took place.


A banner placed in the church that Jocelyn and Vinnie made together.


My awesome hair that I loved!


Jocelyn after she had gotten her hair done.


Getting ready!!!


Fluffin' up the dress!!!! hahaha


And finally husband and wife<3. 

I love you guys and I hope that you have long and happy marriage.

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