Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Worky Work! Busy Bee!!!

Soooo, I'm not meaning to neglect my blog, however, this is a busy week at VMI. It's known as Hell Week, but, that's really supposed to be for the "rats"...VMI term for freshman. But, after two summers of being full time here, I have now deemed it my Hell Week as well, of course, mine isn't as bad as the poor little Rats. It's a different world here, not just for the students, but, for the people who work here as well. And after living a few miles away my entire life, working here for four years, dating a cadet through most of his cadetship, participating in VMI theatre and VMI Knitting Club I have a lot of a pride in this school. I love the video they just came out with to advertise haha.

And here they are marching in President Obama's Inaugural Parade. My boyfriend was a part of this<3 :).

ANYWAYS, it's only Wednesday and I've already worked almost 50 hours...with no end in sight. I'm hoping, with all this work that I'm doing, I won't have any issues come Tuesday when classes start.

I'll get back with you guys HOPEFULLY next week!

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