Monday, June 27, 2011

Cute Animal Monday! An Intro to Sheba

It returns!!!!! Cute Animal Monday is back!!!!

I'll start out with this video that actually made me cry :'(.

Now, I'm going to introduce you to one of our many animals. In our house we have 4 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hamster and 1 fish. It's pretty much a zoo. But we love them all and wouldn't trade it for anything :).

This, is Sheba:


Some may describe her as "scary". Others describe her as "the most awesome cat ever". She's definitely bipolar. One friend calls her "Menopause Kitty". But she's always by my side. Literally, at all times.



Sheba just kind of showed up at our house one day. She was already fully grown, definitely not a kitten, but, judging by her saggy belly the flops back and forth every time she runs we think she had already had kittens haha. Anyways she's been with us for about 13 or 15 years now. Still healthy as ever. She's definitely one of those cats that has more personality than anyone can ask for. And last little fact about Sheba, her favorite place to sleep is on my head...She may be secretly trying to kill me...

Either way, she's pretty awesome :).


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