Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The story of the MIA Blogger: Part 4 Last half of May

Graduation is done. Move forward. Boyfriend has moved into the house for the next 3 weeks. I enjoyed this part. He was at my house every day. Unfortunately, it also meant it was almost time for him to leave :(. And that 3 weeks went by faster than I had intended it to :/. The following weekend (May 20th - 22nd) was spent in Charleston, SC. I wish I had pictures to share, but, it was a strictly business kind of deal. The boyfriend only had about 2 weeks to find a place to live, so, we didn't do much sight seeing. Apartment hunting was fun though. He eventually found something. And then, the following morning, we made the 7 to 8 hour car ride back home.

Fast Forward to the next weekend. May 27 - 29. We traveled up north this time for a wedding :). The boyfriend was a groomsman in his college roommates wedding. He was getting married to his MIDDLE SCHOOL sweet heart. Get that right people, not high school sweet heart, middle school sweet heart. It was everything you expect a wedding to be. Picture perfect. The boyfriend and I enjoyed every minute of it! Especially the lasagna at the rehearsal dinner. OMG. I have never had lasagna so delicious before. Please, no one tell my grandma I said that!

Here's a couple pictures of the happy couple:


Girod Wedding

I mean, honestly, how cute are they!?!

And that was how we spent the rest of the month of May :). More updates next!!!

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