Thursday, June 16, 2011

The story of the MIA Blogger: Part 2 We Miss You Keaton

She had called me to tell me the news that one of my best friends from high school, Keaton, had passed away that morning. Keaton had been diagnosed with epilepsy after we graduated from high school and had apparently had a very bad seizure that morning.

Keaton and I about a year after graduation

I had known Keaton since age 12. I remember inviting him to my 13th birthday party when he was still the new kid in our class. He had gotten me a pink pen with a bunch of pink feathers on top. We didn't know each other very well, yet, so he didn't know what else to get me. I loved that pen. I used it until the ink ran dry. One of the few pens I never lost. Then, in 10th grade we were assigned to sit beside each other in Biology. We were the only two at the table, yet we got in trouble every day for talking. And we had block schedule, so we were in class for almost 2 hours. I'd like to say, this is when our friendship started taking off. I can't remember if we had any classes together our junior year of high school, but, we had a lot of classes together our senior year of high school. The most fun was Mr. Loy's class, by far haha. I think it was government. I remember Keaton missed class one day so that he could be an extra in War of the World's with Tom Cruise. Part of it was filmed here in Lexington. I also remember his dedication to his teammates. When we were seniors our football team had made it to the second round of regions for the first time in a lonnnnnng time. Keaton had been scheduled to take a trip to Ireland. He gave up seeing Ireland just to make sure he was there for the team, his school and his teammates. I don't think he ever had a chance to go back... Keaton was also my senior prom date. Probably the most fun I've ever had at a school dance. Once we graduated, we spent the entire summer at Keaton's house in his basement. We'd watch the boys play video games while the girls had girl talk. We all went to the beach together, go the drive-in together. It was a fun summer. Keaton was also my Harry Potter buddy haha. He'd never read the books, but, he always wanted to go see the movies, so, I would go with him. And, since I had read the books, I would have to fill in the holes for him that the movie would leave out.


One of the nights we were visiting Keaton at work

I had fallen out of touch with Keaton in the past couple of years and I completely regret that. Keaton was honestly one of the most genuine people I have ever had in my life. You will never meet a person who was more loving and willing to do for his friends and fellow man than Keaton was. I can guarantee that. I hate that I can't write more or write very well for Keaton's memory. These are my memories of and with him. He was a truly amazing person that left this world far too soon. Rest in peace Keaton. We all love you and miss you dearly.

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