Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The story of the MIA Blogger: Part 6 Comfort Dolls

FINALLY a blog post about a craft that I've done!!!! Well, it's sort of done. 11 comfort dolls made their way to kids in Africa! I had about 30 knit, but, wasn't able to get them all sewn up and stuffed before my friend left. However, good news, she's going back at the end of October so I get to send the rest of them with her (hopefully, fingers crossed)!!!

Check out my doll army:



Go ahead, bow down to them. You know you want to!

The goal was 170. I have about 30 knit. And 11 complete and in Africa. Hopefully my friend will send some pictures of the kids with the dolls soon :). I can't wait!!!


  1. Wow Ashley, I remember when You were just trying to figure out how to cast on and look at all the little dolls you have made!!! I'm so glad they are headed to Africa. What a great project. If I find some time, maybe I'll make a doll or two to add to your 170 goal.

    P.S. I love the new background. Very cute and very Ashley. ;)

  2. Honestly, that wasn't that long ago!!! hahaha Remember, it was around Christmas time when you guys were trying to teach me how to read the pattern! And all it was was stockinette stitch! I remember flipping out over the hat doing complicated math to figure out how to "skip 4 stitches evenly across". Now I can do it without even thinking about it! Yes! PLEASE! haha I need the help!!! :)

    Thanks!!! I'm so happy I found it! I feel like my blog actually looks like a real blog now!!!


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