Friday, June 24, 2011

New Sewing Machine!!!

Another craft post!!!!! EEP!!! So, I have been wanting a sewing machine for a very, very, very long time and I FINALLY broke down and bought one. It was on sale at Jo-Ann's with free shipping :).

sewing machine

This is the one that I bought. I checked out the reviews and it seems like it's a pretty good machine. Especially for a beginner sewer like me. I got it setup and running within an hour (there was a break for dinner in-between that, so it really didn't that THAT long)

So, I was all excited about making a tote bag, because I had heard it's a pretty simple project. I took my lunch break from work to go to Wal-Mart and get some cute fabric (Wal-Mart's the only place you can go where I live unless you want to travel an hour out of town). I bought some fabric that was about $7/yd. I told my mom and Nana about this and they immediately flipped out. "YOU CAN'T PRACTICE SEWING WITH $7/yd FABRIC!!!!!" Annnnnd, my Nana went and got an old sheet of hers for me to "play" with. She helped me out with as much as she could remember, but, she really didn't like sewing when she was younger, so she couldn't remember much. Anyways, between her help and my pattern visualizing skills we came up with this.


My tote bag made from an old sheet! We didn't have a pattern, I haven't sewn anything since my 8th grade home ec. class (10 or 11 years ago). We didn't measure anything and I didn't even lay the fabric out flat to cut it haha. I was just cutting away! With all that considering, I don't think I did too bad of a job! :) I'm going to attempt a quilted tote this weekend, maybe. I got a jelly roll at Wal-Mart! We'll see how it turns out...

In the meantime, it's FRIDAY!!!!! And I have absolutely no where to do go and no responsibilities (except cleaning and laundry). This is the first time this has happened in about a month and a half. With that thought, I will leave you with this little gem:

Unfortunately the song has grown on me :X. Please don't hate me for saying that! We we we so excited!!!

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