So, I've decided, unless the muse descends, that Tuesday will no longer be Etsy Treasuries. I will bring you DIYs from around the Interwebs (from some of my favorite blogs) from now on! This is the first weeks DIYs Christmas Ornaments and Decorations. These are some of the cutest ones I've seen:
Kind of more modern, I'll admit, but, I like a good mix of the modern Christmas and the traditional Christmas.
Anyways, on with the links!
1. Flight of the Pook:
2. It's Overflowing:
3. It's Overflowing:
4. Cleverly Inspired:
5. That's My Letter:
6. Just Crafty Enough:
Hope you guys enjoy! And let me know if you make anything or have any suggestions, or even requests!
Happy Crafting!!!