Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Around the Interwebs

So, I've decided, unless the muse descends, that Tuesday will no longer be Etsy Treasuries. I will bring you DIYs from around the Interwebs (from some of my favorite blogs) from now on! This is the first weeks DIYs Christmas Ornaments and Decorations. These are some of the cutest ones I've seen:


Kind of more modern, I'll admit, but, I like a good mix of the modern Christmas and the traditional Christmas.

Anyways, on with the links!

1. Flight of the Pook: 

2. It's Overflowing:

3. It's Overflowing:

4. Cleverly Inspired:

5. That's My Letter:

6. Just Crafty Enough:

Hope you guys enjoy! And let me know if you make anything or have any suggestions, or even requests!

Happy Crafting!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cute Animal Monday

So, I'm now obsessed with the Cat vs. Human blog/comics. I don't know if you guys have seen them or not, but, her blog can be found here:

She's very good at capturing how life with cats are and the hilarity of it all. This is one of my favorites right now:

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This is pretty typical Arthur behavior. When Jon's not around, I'm his favorite. But, when Jon is around, he wants nothing to do with me. When I was in Charleston this past time I bought him a cat perch for the window he loves to look out. 


If I was in the room, or looking at him, he would NOT get on the perch. He would go to the other window, or crouch beside the perch. BUT, if I was in the kitchen cooking with my back turned to him, or, in another room, he would lay on it. If I looked at him, he would get up again. Turd Nugget haha.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The MIA Blogger...AGAIN!

Hey guys! Sorry I've been missing. Family emergencies and whatnot. BUT, all is well and I promise you one GIANT post tonight!!!! Be ready!!!! Also, I haven't seen last nights Project Accessory yet, so, I have no challenge for myself just yet. I do have last weeks ready! Sort of... I didn't get my shoes :/. But, my other piece will make up for it, I hope...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Project: Project Accessory - Week 2

Week 2 Challenge for the Contestants:

Contestants were given a little black dress and told to choose one piece of jewelry from the Swarovski Crystal store Crystallized. They will need to create a pair of shoes and a piece of jewelry that mimics that selected piece.

Week 2 Challenge for Me:

Pick one piece of jewelry from the Crystallized website 

Re-purpose a pair of shoes and create a piece of jewelry that mimics said piece selected from the website. 

Project is Due: Wednesday November 9, 2011

This is the piece I have selected

Fullscreen capture 1142011 53031 PM

Come back Wednesday to see what I've created!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Project: Project Accessory - Week 1


Challenge for the Show Contestants:

Go through 2 storage units in 15 minutes and grab materials to make a necklace, belt and designer's choice accessory to dress up the average American t-shirt and jeans.

The Show Winner:

Fullscreen capture 1122011 111642 PM

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cute Animal Monday and Treasury Tuesday

Sorry I missed Cute Animal Monday guys! Apparently, I blinked and Monday just disappeared. Anyways, I did at least get my materials for Project: Project Accessory!!! I'm going to be making everything tonight! Look for the blog post tomorrow night!

With that being said, here's your missed Cute Animal Monday video. I freaking love everything from Simon's Cat. And this kitten acts exactly like Arthur. Except Jon's the big cat he picks on.

And here's your treasury for this week. Being the first day of November I wanted to pick things in Earth tones and go ahead and throw in some of my Native American Heritage since it's the month of Thanksgiving. Yes, believe it or not, I am one quarter Monacan Indian and I belong to our tribe. Ignore my pasty pale skin and blue eyes. I guess I'm the Albino Native American, because I'm the only one in my family who was born without the ability to tan. I just turn pink or red and get more freckles. Oh well, it is what it is. 

One last note before I go, my dear friend Sarah used my Scrabble Tile Wall Art Tutorial to decorate her apartment!


It looks sooooo cute! And it's the first time anyone's used one of my tutorials (that I know of) so I'm pretty excited! Thank you Sarah! I love it!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Project: Project Accessory

I don't know how many of you know it yet, but, there is a new show that's a spin off of Project Runway called Project Accessory. So far, I LOVE IT!

And I've seen where people in the crafting blog world have had a "Project: Project Runway". Well, I've decided to do a "Project: Project Accessory"

Week 1's challenge for the contestants:

Go through 2 storage units in 15 minutes and grab materials to make a necklace, belt and designer's choice accessory to dress up the average American t-shirt and jeans.

Week 1's Challenge for me:

Go to a second hand store and spend $20 on materials in 45 minutes to create a necklace, belt and accessory of choice by Wednesday, November 2, 2011. 

Seeing as how I'm working 10 hour days at work right now, this may be a little ambitious, but, I'll let you know how I've done come Wednesday :). 

If anyone would like to join in this challenge please let me know by leaving a comment, e-mailing me at ashleydsworld@gmail.com or by contacting me on facebook :).

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Black Cats

Another Halloween Treasury!!!! In honor of Halloween and Arthur, this one is dedicated to black kitty cats! My favorite!!! My first cat that I ever had was a black cat and he was the very best cat ever. Poor thing even let me put Mr. Potato Head glasses on him all the time. We had him for 12 years and I still miss him every day.


How precious is Arthur?

This is freaking awesome!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Current Projects

Just thought I'd share some of what I'm working on. I've been pretty busy lately, so, not MUCH time for crafts. I still have to finish the boa yarn scarf. I did finish the yarn over scarf and put the fringe on it :). My grandma called dibs for it, so, she has it right now. And she ain't givin' it up!

I decided, I needed to learn how to knit in the round. So, I got a pair of size 8 circular needles, cast on 152 stitches...I think...I honestly can't remember. I had to start over a few times to get it right ha. And I'm working in a 4x4 rib. The colors I'm using, just happened to land near each other in my yarn stash, but, I liked it and it's for me so, that's all that matters :). 


Personally, I like the color combo and it's started getting cold here already, so, I hope to finish soon. My least favorite part is weaving in the ends...*sigh*.

And the other project is, of course, a new Harry Potter doll!!! This one isn't going to be as big as the first one, but, he's still going to be pretty big. 


Look for him to be in the shop soon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Witch's Brew

Today's Halloween Treasury has a witch theme to it. I've noticed a lot of my favorite Halloween movies (mostly the kids ones) are witchy :). So, I decided to make today's theme: Witch's Brew!

I never get tired of Etsy and the amazing talents of the people on it!

And here's a clip from one of my favorite movies to watch around this time of year...

Hocus Pocus!!!!!

It's hard to believe this came out so long ago! I don't want to do the math. Then I'll feel really, really old :(.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cute Animal Monday

I love this dog!!!! I wish I could train Susie to do this kind of stuff haha. She's intelligent and learns quickly, I just don't know how :).

I remember I used to want a jack russel terrier because of Eddie on Frasier. Then I found out how mean they can be if you don't give them enough attention. And at the time we didn't have enough time. They're soooo cute though! I lover terriers<3.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Halloween

This is my favorite holiday. We're the family on the block who goes all out decorating for Halloween, and kind of skimps on the Christmas decorations...if we do anything more than a wreath...

Anyways, with that being said, I'll be doing Halloween themed Treasuries until the end of the month :). This one's the spooky/cute, but, dark Treasury.

It's also time for Halloween movies!!!!! YAY!!!! 

And it's time for another Paranormal Activity movie! My mom promised me she'd watch the second with me tonight. I love them, but, I cannot watch them by myself! haha

(Do not watch this if you don't like scary things)

I don't know what it is about being scared by a movie, but, I love it and hate it all at the same time. I can't wait!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cute Animal Monday: Arthur

Hello Blog World. Meet Arthur, Jon's new little black kitten. 


Jon's only had him for a couple months, but, he's already spoiled completely rotten. He also likes to be Jon's alarm clock...even on the days where Jon doesn't have to wake up early.


He's a little skittish when you first meet him, but, he eventually warms up to you. Then he follows you around every step you make and wants to cuddle on your lap 24/7. But, he's kind of hard to get a good picture of. Especially when he's hyper and wanting to play!

And I just wanted to throw in this picture of Bubby. I think he looks super cute in it :).


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Random Thursdays: Buefort the Owl

This is Al the Owl. 


He's the first knitting project I ever completed. I finished him last year during Christmas break at about 5 in the morning. (Which is why I love Christmas Break. All nighters with no repercussions.)

I've been wanting to make another owl, so I started on this guy:


He turned out a wee bit odd ballish haha so I've decided he is going to be Buefort, Al's backwoods Virginia cousin! He's in for a visit while looking for a new home :). Will it be yours? He's plush, cuddly and fun!


He's made from 5 different yarns to make him quilted and colorful.


Even his butt!!!!

His Etsy listing can be found here:

Enjoy! And have a Happy Friday tomorrow everyone!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Decorating and Scrabble Tile Tutorial

Hello all! I went to Charleston again the weekend after my birthday and this time, I got to decorate Jon's apartment!!! No more all beige and white! Of course, I couldn't spend too much money and you're never really SUPPOSED to do all the decorating all at once. At least, I don't think you are. It's something that's supposed to grow with you overtime. But, I did as much as I could. 


Cute Animal Monday

Simple and to the point haha. Enjoy!!!

Scrabble Tile tutorial coming up next!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

WIPs and Finished Projects

I have quite a few knitting projects going on right now. Knitting is definitely a good de-stresser and something you can pick up and set down easily, unlike jewelry. So, here's what I've got going on right now.

Harry Potter Comfort Doll


It's finally complete!!!! And how awesome is it!?! It measures about a foot and a half tall. I basically just took the comfort doll pattern and multiplied everything by three. Such a good cuddle buddy!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Capelets

I absolutely LOVE capelets!!! They're so adorable and fashionable. I'm coming up with a pattern for one I'd like to eventually knit, but, we'll see if I ever finish it haha. I started it last March! With the cooler weather we've been having it's the perfect time of the year for one. I'd love a nice oatmeal colored one with some long brown leather gloves *sigh*

My birthday is Wednesday if anyone wants to buy me one of these *wink**wink*.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cute Animal Monday: Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

Hopefully, my blogs will soon be regular postings again! Life is starting to calm down. FINALLY!!! So, here's your Cute Animal Monday post!

This is Susie Q participating in her new favorite hobby. Playing hockey with her food bowl in the kitchen. Good thing we decided against getting the wood floors in the kitchen! haha

Thanks for sticking with me even though I've been negligent lately :). Work is slowly starting to calm back down!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cute Animal Monday

I lovvvvve the Simon's Cat cartoons. Most of them remind me of Sheba. And, soon after watching this cartoon...

This happened...


Oh Sheba.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Autumn

Sorry I've been MIA again. My job that pays the bills has me working MAJOR overtime. We're talking about 70 and 80 hour weeks. *sigh* Oh well, life will be back to normal soon, I hope. However, this is my favorite time of year and I made this treasury a while back (when I still had a life) and I still wanted to share it with you all :). I miss my craft and blog world so much! I hope I'll be back soon!!! Enjoy the treasury!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Worky Work! Busy Bee!!!

Soooo, I'm not meaning to neglect my blog, however, this is a busy week at VMI. It's known as Hell Week, but, that's really supposed to be for the "rats"...VMI term for freshman. But, after two summers of being full time here, I have now deemed it my Hell Week as well, of course, mine isn't as bad as the poor little Rats. It's a different world here, not just for the students, but, for the people who work here as well. And after living a few miles away my entire life, working here for four years, dating a cadet through most of his cadetship, participating in VMI theatre and VMI Knitting Club I have a lot of a pride in this school. I love the video they just came out with to advertise haha.

And here they are marching in President Obama's Inaugural Parade. My boyfriend was a part of this<3 :).

ANYWAYS, it's only Wednesday and I've already worked almost 50 hours...with no end in sight. I'm hoping, with all this work that I'm doing, I won't have any issues come Tuesday when classes start.

I'll get back with you guys HOPEFULLY next week!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Random Pictures Thursday: Forks, Washington

Soooo....I like Twilight. Allow me to explain myself, I like the Twilight BOOKS (with the exception of Breaking Dawn). I also enjoyed the first movie. I haven't seen any of the rest of them since the second movie. It was so bad I couldn't stand it. Anyways, my friends and I (after I begged them to read the books) decided to go to Forks, Washington. We went before the first movie came out and let me tell you, it was the BEST vacation I have EVER been on. We went for 3 days but we took in as much as we could! Which was pretty easy when the sun came up and like 6AM and didn't go back down until 10:00PM. It was soooo beautiful. We went for the nature not for the vampires. That's not to say we didn't have our vampire fun while we were there :P. And for the record, there is a house at First Beach that has a wheel chair ramp and a sign that says "Black" over the garage. We visited Forks High School, the Forks visitor center (we even had our picture on the Forks website for awhile) and a hunting, outdoorsy whatever you call it store (like what we imagined Bella worked at) and had a nice conversation with a couple older gentleman for about an hour haha. We also got on a webcam that my dad saw us on while we were there. BUT, we also took in Rialto Beach, Cape Flattery (the most northwestern corner of the continental U.S.), the Macaw Tribe Museum, the Hoh Rain Forest, Port Angeles (where we got to eat at Bella Italia!!!!) and I think that may be it. I know I'm missing something, but, it was awesome. I want to go back so, so, so very badly. Oh! And the entire time we were there it was 60 degrees and sunny. It didn't rain until the last day. Of course, this is when we were trying to get to Cape Flattery, which actually has a pretty difficult trail to it. Oh! I almost forgot!!!! On our way back from Cape Flattery, we also realized that it was low tide so we got to check out the tide pools! Which were awesome!!! I got to see live star fish :). Yeah, it was amazing. Thank you Twilight and Jordan and Kelly of course<3. Anyways, here's some of the pictures from the trip!


Even pigeons are prettier in Washington!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Alice In Wonderland

So, I went to Charleston again this past weekend and while I was waiting on Jon to finish studying, so we could go out, I watched the Tim Burton version of Alice In Wonderland...again! I LOVE that movie! It's so fun and is constantly getting my creative juices flowing. Although, I think the cartoon version kind of scared me when I was a kid. Anyways, I decided to do an Etsy Treasury for Alice in Wonderland. Aren't these some of the most creative adorable whimsical things?

"Why, sometimes I've believed in as many as six impossible things before breakfast."


And yes, I know it's not the cheshire cat's quote. I just like this picture of him :). I feel like, this is how I look when I'm trying to keep calm.

Cute Animal Monday: Jackson

Okay blog world...Meet Jackson.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Random Pictures Thursday

I've decided I'm going to dedicate Thursdays to random pictures that I've taken and edited that don't really relate to anything else. SO, here's this weeks!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1,000 Blog Views Redneck Wine Glass Giveaway

Now that I've completely winded the title, on to the giveaway! In celebration of my blog officially having over 1,000 views, I am going to giveaway a pair of Redneck Wine Glasses.


The rules are:

1. Deadline is August 16, 2011
2. You must comment on either this blog post, or the picture to the right on my facebook fan page (located here: Ashley D's World Facebook Fan Page)with the phrase, "PICK ME!"
3. There will be a drawing at 9:00PM August 17, 2011.
4. If you comment on both, this blog post AND the facebook picture your name will be entered twice.

Good luck everyone!!!

Treasury Tuesday: Audrey Hepburn

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I am absolutely in love with Audrey Hepburn. To me, she was one of the most beautiful people to ever live on this Earth, inside and out. She's definitely one of my role models in life. She was so classy. And knew she didn't have to let everything hang out or wear a ton of make-up in order to be completely adored by men everywhere. She's a reminder to everyone that it's always better to stay classy and do for others. So, in honor of my love of Audrey I decided to make an all Audrey Etsy Treasury.

This is one of my favorite, short, quick biographies about her style. I definitely recommend watching more of her biographies. She was such an amazing woman.

Now, one of my favorite of her movies is Sabrina. I love her character in that movie and it doesn't hurt that the two main men are Humphrey Bogart and William Holden, whom I also lovvvvve. But, this is one of my favorite scenes.

Whenever I'm having a bad day, I just listen to this and it instantly helps me feel better :).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Redneck Wine Glass

And I present to you...



I don't know if I'm just easily amused, or what, but, I think it's pretty much one of the best things EVER!

This is all you need to make them.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Adventures in Spray Paint: Wine Bottle

More spray paint adventures!!! This time, I decided to spray paint a wine bottle. I was going to paint both of them, but, they were already a pretty blue color anyways, so, I decided to go with just one and have the contrast and size difference.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Wonderful Wedding Weekend

Remember how I told you guys I was going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding? If you do, or you don't, please enjoy the following pictures from said wedding :). (Also, I'm trying to get away from emoticons, but it's so hard. It's a very bad habit I need to break if I'm going to keep blogging.)

Vinnie and Jocelyn Do. I remember when Vinnie first started talking to me on facebook about Jocelyn. I thought he was insane for falling so in love with a girl so fast and, honestly, I tried to make him "slow his role". I guess it's a good thing he didn't listen to me! haha I have never met a couple more perfect for each other. They may butt heads every once in a while. But, what good couple doesn't? I think it'd be quite boring if you got along all the time. I know my boyfriend and I don't see eye to eye with everything and we're not afraid to argue about it. I remember there was a line in The Notebook that I didn't understand when I first saw the movie, "I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings." When I first heard that I thought, well that sounds cruel, who wants a boyfriend who's going to hurt your feelings. But, after being in a relationship for almost 3 and a half years, I now know what that means. You're so comfortable with each other and trust each other so much you truly are not afraid of hurting each other's feelings. I'm not saying you pick on each other and bring each other down, I mean, you're not afraid to tell each other when they're being an "arrogant son of a bitch" or a "pain in the ass" haha. This explanation sounded better in my head than it does now. And, I'm not saying Vinnie and Jocelyn are constantly fighting. I'm just saying they're truly a real couple. Not a couple putting on a show or putting on appearances and that's what I love about them :).

Anyways, with all that being said, here's some pictures from the beautiful weekend, unfortunately they were all with my cell phone, but, I think they're pretty good nonetheless. Enjoy!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Pride and Prejudice

I have been in a Pride and Prejudice mood lately. I don't know. I just have. It's one of my most favorite stories EVER. Obviously, I'm not alone in this, it's kind of a cult really. And, I understand, some women refuse to date some men unless they remind them of Mr. Darcy. A little too over the top for me, but, hey, to each their own!

I'm on my third time reading the book at present. Thank you iBooks on the iPad for having it for free! It's such a fun read. I have to say, my favorite movie version is definitely the most recent one. I know, a lot of people love the Colin Firth version and I love Colin Firth myself. I even love the fact that he played the original Mr. Darcy and the new version of Mr. Darcy in Bridget Jones' Diary, but, there's just something about the Keira Knightly version that I can't stop thinking about, pretty much ever. It's so gorgeous. They condensed the story perfectly, beautiful cinematography, beautiful music, beautiful people, beautiful acting, great chemistry. Just, all around gorgeous. And this is, most definitely, my favorite scene:

Ugh, I get chills every time I see that scene. The perfectly timed thunder after Mr. Darcy snaps at Lizzie and how jealous he gets when she starts talking about Mr. Wickham. Then they think about kissing and he storms off. LOVE IT!!!!!!

And, really, who doesn't love saying, "Mr. Darcy" with a British accent? Go on, say it out loud. You know you want to!

Cute Animal Monday: My Sasha Boo

Meet my Sasha Boo. My Mister Man.


And yes, even though he is very pretty and has a girly name he is, in fact, A BOY!!!!!!!

Although, he is too pretty to be a boy.


He also has very, very long whiskers.

We've had Sasha for about 10 years now, possibly more. He's our prison cat. At the prison my dad used to work at, they had a problem with feral cats. The cats didn't have a problem with finding food, so, to help with the issue (and instead of sending them to the SPCA) they would setup traps, catch the cats, get them fixed, then set them loose again. And of course, Sasha got caught in the cage. This is funny because later on, when we were trying to catch a possum that wouldn't leave our house, Sasha got caught in the same type of cage AGAIN. You would think he would've learned his lesson.

Anyways, when my dad first brought Sasha home, the first thing he said to me was, "Now, Ashley, don't get near that cage. That cat has torn up three people already." And, of course, being a 13 year old girl, I didn't listen to him. Thirty minutes later I had that cat up and around my neck and purring like a baby. Until this day, I'm still the only one he allows to pick him up. 



He usually likes laying on my bed while I'm knitting.

Sasha is pretty much my cat and my cat only... unless you have bacon... he'll love you if you have bacon!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Treasury Tuesday: Southern Charm

I'm heading back to Charleston this weekend. I'm pretty excited. I love Charleston, so much Southern Charm. Of course, it helps that I get to see my boyfriend while I'm there, as well. Since I am headed back to southern town that I do love oh so much I decided to make this Tuesday's treasury all about Southern Charm. I truly believe in the saying, "American by birth, Southern by the grace of God."

And I'll leave you with a song that I have stuck in my head here lately. Since we're on the topic of Southern Pride, this is VMI's all male a capella group singing "Shenandoah". BEAUTIFUL. My boyfriend was in this group while he was in school. I loved going to their concerts :).

My boyfriend and I were both in theatre here at VMI and participated in the "Civil War Melodrama" Shenandoah! haha. It was great. We got to play a couple. He was Captain Hart and I was the general's daughter Jenny. I thought it was nice because we met thanks to VMI theatre :). And, in our last play together, we got to play a couple. Even if the lines were really, really, really cheesy.


The boyfriend and I as Capt. Hart and Jenny. Hooray for big ol' hoop skirts!!!


Awwwww, I miss VMI Theatre. I wish I still had time for it!

Cute Animal Monday: Oh Susie Q

Oh Susie Q. Oh Susie Q. Oh Susie Q, how I love you. Susie Q.


Miss Susie Q is the latest addition to our family. We've now had her for about a year. When we first got her, she was only about 20 pounds. Now, she's pretty much a horse at 100 pounds. When she stands up on her hind legs she's taller than me. When you pet her, it's like petting a horse. But, there's never a dull moment when she's around.


She is quite literally one of the most beautiful German Shepards I have ever seen. Of course, my opinion may be a little biased.





If you haven't been able to tell yet, we train all of our animals to be Cowboys fans. Bubby even has a jersey. Of course, as chubby as he is now, I don't think he can fit in it haha.

Have a great day folks! And I'll hopefully get my Treasury up tonight! Time to get back in the groove!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Adventures In Spray Paint: Cedar Chest

Okay, I have been wanting a wooden chest for a very, very, very long time. But, I could never find one that I liked or it was too expensive. Well, a couple weeks ago, my mom and I were taking Bubby for a walk and we happened across some neighbors who were setting up for a yard sale for the next morning. And, low and behold, there's a wooden, cedar lined chest!!! I was super excited. And they were just wanting to get rid of the junk in their garage so they gave it to me for a whopping $35!!!!! Talk about an awesome yard sale find! Anyways, this is the shape it was in when we first bought it.


I'm not sure if that's the original design, or, if someone was trying to be creative when they painted it, or what, but, it just was not for me. But, it had good bones.


To fix this, we went to our trusty Wal-Mart and grabbed more spray paint. I got Rustoleum this time in just a shade darker than my headboard. And this is how it looks now!



I'm pretty pleased with my yard sale re-do find. It now houses all of my shoes. I've never had a place for them all before, until now. But, I feel like it's still missing something... Like, it needs some kind of design on the front, or the top...What do you guys think? I'm not much of an artist when it comes to paint or drawing, so it would have to be some sort of stencil...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Adventures In Spray Paint: Headboard

I love spray paint. You can take anything and give it a whole new life and decorative purpose with just a little bit of spray paint (or a lot, sometimes). I used to keep my bedroom kind of muted and keep it as neutral, but, just slightly girly, as much as possible. Well, since I'm getting my craft room, I'll be getting a lot of furniture out of my bedroom. For the first time in my life, my bedroom will be JUST a bedroom. Not a bedroom/office/living room/craft room. So, I've decided to completely redo it and make it 100% girly. Light pinks, blues, greens and flowers EVERYWHERE. I'm pretty excited about it and I'll keep you guys up to date with the step-by-step process. Same with the craft room!

With that being said, we started our first steps to re-doing my room. First, I got a new comforter. We usually go with the bed-in-a-bags from Wal-Mart. This one is a Better Homes and Gardens and I LOVE it. It's so bright and cheery and girly.


Now, my headboard was black, so we decided, the black headboard just wouldn't look right with such a bright comforter. And, I didn't want white and I didn't want to get a new headboard SO, Idecided, we should paint it a pale green color.

Fullscreen capture 7192011 121829 PM

We decided to go with Krylon's Ivy Leaf Green. They had a pretty light blue color as well, but, I was just drawn to the green. I think it's because green is one of my favorite colors.

We setup the saw horses and some plastic and got straight to work the very next day. But, not before Sheba made the saw horses and plastic her new fort for a little bit.

"No Goggies Allowed"


My headboard before.


It had gotten in kind of rough shape, because we had had it outside for awhile. There was a time where I had my bed pushed up against the wall in my room with tons of pillows so it would be more like a "sofa".


In Process.


And Voila!!!!


See how good it looks with the new comforter! I'm pretty happy with my decision :). And once we paint the walls a darker color (I know, darker sounds scary and opposite of girly but, it will work), it will look even better.

Now that I've finished up with the headboard, I'm thinking it's best to leave the other pictures for another day. No one wants super long blog posts! So, until tomorrow, enjoy!
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